
Security That Advances Your Business

Free Web Analytics: Your Reliable Partner for Comprehensive Website Security

In today's digital landscape, the security of your website is crucial for the success and trust of your users. With Free Web Analytics, we offer you a sophisticated SaaS solution that specializes not only in providing insights into your website's traffic patterns but also in conducting an in-depth review of your security infrastructure.

Detection of Frameworks and Libraries
The security of your website begins with the fundamental building blocks – the frameworks and libraries you use. Our advanced scanning technology identifies which technologies you are using and analyzes whether they are up to date or have known vulnerabilities. If we discover outdated or vulnerable versions, you will receive immediate notifications and recommendations for necessary upgrades to protect your website against attacks.

Review of Cookie Policies and Security Measures
In accordance with international standards and regulations, we check whether your cookie policies and privacy statements meet the latest legal requirements. Our analysis also covers the effectiveness of your implemented security measures. We identify potential vulnerabilities and offer solutions to ward off threats and minimize risks.

GDPR Compliance
Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is not only a legal necessity but also strengthens the trust of your European users. We assist you in ensuring compliance with your website by thoroughly reviewing all relevant processes and settings. These checks help ensure that personal data is protected and privacy regulations are correctly implemented.

Web Application Firewall and PCI-DSS Compliance
Our security analyses include the examination of your Web Application Firewall (WAF), which plays a crucial role in protecting against cyber-attacks. We also check whether your payment systems comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS), ensuring secure and trustworthy handling of credit card data.

Content-Security-Policy (CSP) and HTTP-Headers
The correct configuration of your CSP and HTTP headers is crucial to prevent malicious interventions such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and data leaks. We thoroughly analyze these settings and suggest necessary adjustments to maximize the security of your users.

Review of External Includes and SSL Certificates
External content can introduce security risks unnoticed. We review all external includes on your website and ensure that they do not pose any dangers. Equally important is the validity of your SSL certificates, which guarantee the security of data transmission. Our checks ensure that your connections are secure and your certificates are up to date.

By choosing Free Web Analytics, you opt for a holistic security solution that protects your online business while ensuring compliance. Trust our expertise and technology to not only monitor but actively protect your website. Web security starts here – at Free Web Analytics.

Prüfung offener Ports
Sorgen Sie sich um die Sicherheit Ihrer Webseite? Mit Free Web Analytics bieten wir Ihnen einen innovativen Service, der die offenen Ports Ihrer Webseite überprüft und eine fundierte Bewertung liefert, welche Ports offen bleiben sollten und welche besser geschlossen werden sollten.

Warum ist das wichtig?
Offene Ports können potenzielle Sicherheitsrisiken darstellen, indem sie Angreifern potenzielle Eintrittspunkte bieten. Durch die Analyse der Portaktivitäten identifiziert Free Web Analytics Schwachstellen und hilft Ihnen, proaktiv Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zu ergreifen, um Ihre Webseite zu schützen.

Unsere Leistungen umfassen:
  • Portscans und Analyse: Wir führen gründliche Portscans durch, um offene Ports zu identifizieren und deren potenzielle Auswirkungen auf die Sicherheit Ihrer Webseite zu bewerten.
  • Empfehlungen für Sicherheitskonfigurationen: Basierend auf den Ergebnissen unserer Analysen geben wir klare Empfehlungen ab, welche Ports geschlossen oder für bestimmte Zwecke geöffnet bleiben sollten, um Ihre Webseite abzusichern.

Unser Engagement für Sicherheit:
Free Web Analytics ist bestrebt, Ihnen die Werkzeuge und Einblicke zu bieten, die Sie benötigen, um die Sicherheit Ihrer Webseite zu maximieren.


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For Blogs & Private Websites

The statistical functions provide extensive information about the visitors with charts and lists.

For Online-Shops

Funnels, keyword ranking, and information about business visitors help optimize business processes.

For Portals & Communities

Heatmaps and backlink analysis visualize user activities and the origin of visitors.

For all websites

Free-Web-Analytics provides detailed information about your own website for every type of online presence.

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